Communication Muse

Supporting Empowerment & Intimacy in Dating, Sex, Relationship & Life

I am a stand for healing the epidemic of loneliness.

How? By modeling, inspiring, and supporting self-connection, self-expression, and sovereignty as the foundation for all aspects of relationship. If you want to learn more about my 40 years of experience some of it is HERE.

I am a speaker and speaking coach and teacher, a social media content creator educating and inspiring through short and long-form video, an embodiment guide, and a relationship and communication coach for women, men, and couples. I am passionate about my ADHD-like brain and an advocate for changing the narrative on aging in our culture.

I can help you be more effective and more fulfilled in any area of life that deals with deep connection and effective communication with others, which of course always begins with the self.

Because my approach is so wide-ranging I prefer to customize 1:1 approaches to make sure you get exactly what you’re looking for. If you suspect working with me might make a difference in your life let’s cook something up. Fill in the application on the button to the left and let’s talk.

Who am I?

Speaking Coaching

As your Speaking Coach I’d be thrilled to support you in amplifying your voice and your message whether it’s a branding pitch, a local or keynote talk, or on your webinar presence or presentation.

My speaking coaching clients are often bright, creative people with a vision. They want to make a difference, get clients, raise money, or inspire others.

I’ve worked with young tech entrepreneurs, pageant contestants, and online business entrepreneurs I’m especially committed to 40+ women sharing their wisdom and building their influence and wealth.

What others say

Speak For Your Self Group Coaching Course

A group speaking course for entrepreneurs, business owners, and social media creators.

This program is



An audio podcast featuring Solo shows and long-form interviews with inspiring people sharing the Super Power

behind their success